The images on this page were made using the Leica 33mm f3.5 Stemar stereo lens during a recent trip to Vietnam and Cambodia. They can be viewed (in stereo) using any handheld 3-D viewer (such as the Owl viewer or the Berezin Pocket 3Dvu). For more information on using the Leica Stemar lens, and this whole experience/process please follow this link (Stereo Article) to the article that is pending publication in Stereo World Magazine. My biggest hardship while photographing in Viet Nam, was battling the heat and Humidity. The camera gear is stored in a hotel room at night, and in the morning, the room temperature camera and lenses were exposed to 100-degree heat and extreme humidity. Moisture and condensation were a nightmare until the gear warmed up to ambient temperature. I always travel with a 12”x12” microfiber lens cloth to wrap my camera as protection from dust while in the camera bag. In this case, it was needed to constantly wipe the fog and mist from all optical surfaces during the “warm-up”. My biggest fear then, was what damage this abuse was going to do to the gear. Update: Due to diligently wiping down the gear and cleaning it every night it all seems to have come through unscathed.