Purchase award in Illinois State Museum, state wide competition 1979 (35mm Infra Red Street Photography)Bonneville Salt flats at Dawn (35mm Landscapes)My last day on safari my lodging had an unwanted Visitor..”The Elephant in the Room” (35mm Travel PhotographyLooking out from where the Kitchen used to be at my Wife’s old Calcutta home (Photographs of India)Tom Reilly’s old restoration facility junkyard (Images I make with a 100 year old Kodak Panoram Camera)Downtown Nashville Illinois circa late 1970’s (Large Format Landscapes)Posed Self Portrait (1st on Left) Civil War reenactor (Excerpt from my Masters Thesis on Civil War reenacting) See more Civil War Images HECivil War Re-enacting in the 1980’sREVery rare Twin-Nose 1936 Lincoln Zephyr at Lee Hartung’s Place (Assorted Large Format Images)